
ShortCuts is a phantastic CD.
The future of the bass clarinet is with you guys secure.
Harry Sparnaay

2010 erschienen bei ein_klang records
EKR 045/46

Producerin: Ursula Strubinsky

What does music sound like as we enter the twenty-first century? One answer can be found in the project ShortCuts: a unique collection of works for two clarinets or bass clarinets. This diverse array of 34 short pieces written by composers from four continents is a snapshot of the contemporary scene.

ShortCuts composers´ words (1.0Mb)


CD 1

1 Germán Toro Pérez En vilo
2 Lotta Wennäkoski andas
3 David Philip Hefti (T)raum-Ze(n)it
4 Alexander Stankovski Stop and go
5 Sylvie Lacroix encore un instant…
6 Christof Dienz “Hey Driver, Cool Down the H´s”
7 Michael Norris Ars Moriendi
8 Dieter Kaufmann Elegie á deux „vom Bach zum Meer“
9 Andrew Ford The Tears of Geertje Dircx
10 Jean-François Charles Play Along 1–3
11 Bernhard Gander beijing
12 Eckart Beinke Collaboration
13 Alexandra Hay part#2
14 Dominik Karski fragile
15 Wolfgang Seierl Funk
16 John Elmsly Calls from the Ark
17 Gerald Futscher “Ich würde vorziehen, es nicht zu tun.”

CD 2

1 Jorge Sánchez-Chiong for albert ayler
2 Simeon Pironkoff unstable secrets
3 Christoph Herndler quicksand
4 Wolfgang Suppan Ulam
5 Klaus Lang weiße schatten.
6 Chaya Czernowin Duo Leat
7 Nimrod Katzir Juba´a
8 Ori Talmon Noch eine Runde
9 Iris Szeghy Choral
10 Silvia Colasanti Geschrei mit der Reinheit
11 Gunter Schneider aus der Tiefe
12 Reinhard Fuchs twined traces
13 Bruno Strobl combine
14 Massimo Botter Two Acrobats on the String
15 Johannes Kretz Hoquetus Africa
16 Michael Amann Lycaon
17 Alexander Moosbrugger jemand sagt >bleib!<
