New music for young clarinet players

A Doblinger publication by Petra Stump and Heinz-Peter Linshalm.
CLARINET UPDATE is a collection of easy contemporary pieces for clarinet to be used by modern clarinet pedagogues. The collection enables a creative approach to learning clarinet technique and opens the path to contemporary music. The collection also invites experimenting on the clarinet and makes improvisation seem fun and easy.
The accompanying CD supports the learning experience by helping to turn theory into successful practice.

Petra Stump / Heinz-Peter Linshalm Trillerbienen for clarinet choir (excerpt)
download (1.0Mb)

Hannes Raffaseder No Noise for 2 clarinets (excerpt)
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Gerald Futscher Für die Fische for 2 extended clarinets (excerpt)
download (1.0Mb)


“The new clarinet book CLARINET UPDATE – New music for young clarinet players fills a gap in the market. It targets young clarinet players in particular, clearly explaining different playing methods which have become an integral part of many compositions today, especially in contemporary music.
Multiphonics, bisbigliando, glissando, microtones, vibrato, flutter tongue, even breath effects or smorzato, teeth-on-reed or slap tongue, are all techniques young musicians will soon be playing as if they were nothing. In addition, the reader will also find interesting and useful instructions for circular breathing.
Moreover, this book has also been supplemented with musical examples and a CD that demonstrates how these theoretical explanations can be implemented successfully in practice.
For young (and adult) open-minded clarinettists this book presents difficult techniques in a congenial, serious, and fun way and encourages students to try the supplementary musical material for themselves. Thus CLARINET UPDATE is sure to become an important work for students, teaching them the precise execution of apparently complicated techniques in a way that puts the play back into playing.
I hope all clarinettists will enjoy and benefit from this work – I personally had a lot of fun with it.”
Professor Peter Schmidl
Solo clarinettist with the Vienna Philharmonic


Petra STUMP/Heinz-Peter LINSHALM Am Meer für beliebig viele Klarinettisten
Bernhard GANDER Am Bahnhof für 2 Klarinetten
Donna WAGNER-MOLINARI Dialog für 2 Klarinetten
Bertl MÜTTER Glissando für 2 Klarinetten
Christoph HERNDLER Mit dem Quadrat spielen für beliebig viele Klarinettisten
Petra STUMP/Heinz-Peter LINSHALM Trillerbienen für beliebig viele Klarinettisten
Johannes KRETZ Eine Meeresschildkröte anlocken für Klarinette und Bassklarinette ad lib.
Gerald RESCH Terzeln für 3 Klarinetten
Hannes RAFFASEDER No Noise? für 2 Klarinetten
Gerald FUTSCHER Für die Fische für 2 verlängerte Klarinetten
Jorge SÁNCHEZ-CHIONG Kampf der Sauriermutanten läuft auf einem anderen Sender für beliebig viele Klarinettisten

Am Meer
